Butterfly Farming

Butterfly is one of the most wonderful creation in the world. There are a lot of varieties of butterflies, various colors, various size and various designs on their wings. Almost all the people loves butterflies for its beautiful colors. Now-a-days butterfly is a very amazing component zoo and exhibitions. This is why some people have chosen butterfly farming as their profession. They generally breed various species of butterflies in their butterfly farm and sell those to others which will be kept in other butterfly house. Some butterfly farm try to breed new species of butterflies. Butterfly farming is not so easy job, but it is very much interesting.
Farming Process
In order to make a butterfly farm one have to know the adequate information about butterfly, such as breeding, food, butterfly house, butterfly life cycle etc. to establish a butterfly farm you have to follow the following processes.
To establish a butterfly farm first of all you have to select the place for the farm. Generally two types of ways are followed for a butterfly farm. One is open place system and another is indoor farming system. For the case of former one, a place near to the forest that means a natural place is needed where the butterflies can complete their breeding process. And the last way means a farm that is shaded generally with glass, where the temperature and humidity can be controlled. This is the modern way of butterfly farming.
Flower and Host Plants
Into a butterfly farm various types of flower plants are planted. Generally those flowers are chosen which gives large amount of nectar, which is used as the food of the butterflies. Besides, you also needs to plant host plants which caterpillars prefer to eat.
Security and Protection
The caterpillars and the growing pupae needs protection from the attack of harmful insects, such as ants. They needs to be free to eat their favorite plants. It is better to spray a little water on the pupae when they are getting too dry. Now the pupae are ready sell or you may keep them in your won butterfly house.

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