Paddy and Shrimp Mixed Farming

Paddy-Shrimp Mixed Farming
It is said that Asia is the motherland of rice. About 91% of the total production of rice of the world comes from Asia. Rice is one of the main food grains which is used for the survival of more than 3 billion people of the world. Rice is the main food of almost all of the Asian people.
On the other hand Shrimp is the most potential element in fisheries sector in the coastal regions of South Asia. It has a huge demand in all over the world. For this huge demand the price of shrimp is also very high. This is why shrimp is also known as white gold. But there is a problem. We have known first that paddy is the main crop of Asia. If a farmer wants to cultivate shrimp he has to sacrifice paddy production. Because, a shrimp farm needs a pond and in a pond it is not possible to plant paddy plant. This is the main problem for the farmers that they have to choose only one to produce.
Paddy Plant             Ripe Paddy             Baby Shrimp           Adult Shrimp
The solution of this problem comes from the Paddy-Shrimp mixed farming system. In this system the same land is used for both paddy and shrimp production in the same time period. So, the farmers are able to produce both paddy and shrimp at the same time from the same piece of land.
In case of this type of mixed farming system a small pond is dug at one side of the land and narrow canals at other three or two sides. These pond and canals are the living place of the shrimp. The plain land is used for planting paddy plant.
Paddy-Shrimp Mixed Farming Diagram
Baby shrimp is brought in pond mainly at the midsummer. The main time of the shrimp grown up is rainy season. In that time the shrimp need large surface to move. It is also the period of paddy cultivation. In that time period paddy plants are planted on the plain land and as it is rainy season there is enough water in the paddy field. So, shrimp can easily come out from the pond and canals and can fluently move into the paddy field. During the total rainy season shrimp gets the surface to move on. Paddy is harvested at the early winter. Then there is no water on the surface. Shrimp takes shelter at the pond and canals. At the last of the winter and early spring shrimp is collected to sell.
This Paddy-Shrimp mixed farming has two main benefits of the farmers:
  1. The farmers have to sacrifice a little portion of rice that was produced from the land. But as the compensation of that little amount they get a stock of shrimp. As the price of shrimp is very high, the farmers get a handsome amount of profit.
  2. As in the rainy season shrimps get surface to move on, they can collect their food from the nature. As a result the feeding cost of the shrimp reduces.
For these reasons farmers of coastal region of South Asia are very much interested in Paddy-Shrimp mixed farming now-a-days. It has opened the door of a very much potential farming method of the belonging region.

Paddy and Duck Mixed Farming

Paddy Field
It is known to all that paddy is one of the mostly used food grains all over the world. More than 3 billion people which are nearly the half of the world’s total population depend on rice for survival. Asia is the motherland of rice. About 91% of the total production of rice of the world comes from Asia. But to meet up the increasing demand of rice International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is always trying to invent various types of hybrid paddy seeds. Farmers are also trying to use their land most properly by mixed farming to produce more than before.
Duck Farming
On the other hand, meat is another favorite and too much nutritious food item to all. Various animals and birds are the sources of meat. For huge demand as well as high price of meat people are influenced to make animal and birds farm. Among the birds chicken and duck are the most remarkable. Chicken farm needs pure dry land where as duck farm may be established in both dry and watery land. Water land, specially fixed water land, is the best for duck farming.
In that case, mixing up paddy and duck farm work very well to increase the total production and also to save the use of land. In order to make a Paddy-Duck mixed farm the farmer needs a little structural change of his land. He needs to dig a small pond at one side of his land. The rest of the land remains the same as before and used for paddy cultivation. Ducks are kept in the pond. They are protected from wild animals by a fence. In day time the fences are opened for the ducks to go about for food over the total land. Paddy cultivation always needs water. So, the ducks have no problem collect food from the paddy field.
Paddy-Duck Mixed Farming
This Paddy-Duck mixed farming not only maximizes the production but also have various types of benefits. Firstly, the ducks moves over the paddy field daily. As a result weeds cannot grow in the field. Farmer can save the money that would be gone for cleaning the weeds. Secondly, various types of insects attack the paddy plants. Ducks eat many of them. In this way the cost of insecticides is reduced. Side by side the cost of feeding the ducks is also reduced. Thirdly, when the ducks moves over the field, they give up their feces there. It works as the organic fertilizer for the paddy plants. Thus the farmers’ cost of fertilizer is also saved. Fourthly, for these duck feces the fertility of the land increases. After harvesting the paddy when other crops are grown in that field the production of those crops also increases for that fertility made before from the duck feces.
So, we can confidently say that Paddy-Duck mixed farming decreases the cost of production, ensures maximum utilization of land, increases the volume of production, as well as increases the profit of the farmers. For these lots of facilities and banalities Paddy-Duck mixed farming is becoming too much favorite among the farmers.

Paddy and Fish Mixed Farming

Paddy-Fish Mixed Farming
In the south Asian countries and many other countries of the world rice that means paddy is the main food of the people. On the other hand fish is a very testy and nutritious food. About all the people around the world like fish. The rapidly increasing population has increased the demand of both paddy and fish. But the amount of cultivable land is not increasing, actually it is decreasing day by day. It is happening for building up new houses, mills, industries and other such institutions. As a result very quickly the shortage of food is noticed by the people. Then, they starts to produce more food by using the existing land. Thus they innovate the concept of mixed farming. They cultivate paddy and fish in the same field. In this system a pond is dug at one side of the land and the other side is used for paddy. In the rainy season the paddy field remains under watter. Fishes of the pond can easily move over the surface watter of the paddy field. So, a large amount of fish is produced from a very small piece of land and the land for paddy cultivation is increased.

Paddy-Fish Mixed Farming
If someone wants to calculate the total profit of a Paddy-Fish mixed and compares it with any type of single farming method either paddy or fish, Obviously the mixed farming system will generate more profit than any single cultivation method. This is the reason of being mixed farming popular among the farmers.

Mixed Farming or Cultivation System

Mixed Farming Picture
In the ancient period people lived in jungle. They lived on hunting animal and collecting fruits. Then they were totally uncivilized. With the passes of time civilization grown up among them. They started to live together and then they felt the need of more food. Thus they started food and crop cultivation. At that time there were plenty of cultivable land but the number of population was too low. So, they have no tension of growing more food. But at present time the number of population has been increased in a huge amount where as the amount of land is the same as before. To meet up this expanding food demand the people have innovated the mixed farming system. In this type of farming farmers cultivates at least two or more than two products in a same land in the same time period. This combination of mixed farming varies from person to person and place to place. In recent time the main components of mixed farming are paddy, fish, shrimp, chicken, duck, goat, flower, bee and etc. The combination may be as follows: 
Commonly Used Diagram of a Mixed Farm

  1. Paddy and fish mixed farming
  2. Paddy and duck mixed farming
  3. Paddy and shrimp mixed farming
  4. Paddy and goat mixed farming
  5. Fish and shrimp mixed farming
  6. Fish and chicken mixed farming
  7. Fish and duck mixed farming
  8. Chicken and shrimp mixed farming
  9. Paddy, fish and chicken mixed farming
  10. Paddy, fish and duck mixed farming
  11. Paddy, shrimp and chicken mixed farming
  12. Flower and bee mixed farming
These are the most commonly used forms of mixed farming. Besides, the cultivation of various types of crops or corns are also considered as mixed. The details of the categories of mixed farming will be discussed bellow.